Tuesday, May 12, 2015

It Just Clicks

Sometimes writing is a painful activity. You have to drag yourself to the computer, force your fingers onto the keyboard, and plead your brain to think of something fantastical to say.

Other times, it just flows.

The outside world fades away. You don't even feel your fingers tapping keys. You're completely immersed in your story. It's like watching a movie unfold. I LOVE IT!

Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. In fact, for me it's pretty rare. But yesterday? Oh, yesterday it happened. I spent 9-5 writing (with a quick break for lunch, of course; I'm not Wonder Woman) and wrote about 9,000 words. It was the most rewarding and exhausting day ever. Not only does it shove me far ahead of my progress chart, but it lines me up to possibly finish Wishes, Maybe...TODAY!

That is, if I can get everything to "click" again like it did yesterday. We'll see if my muse decides to be nice to me. Fingers crossed. Hoping my next post (Thursday) will be giddy and excited news regarding the completion of my sixth novel!

Just the idea has me all bubbly inside!

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