Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Changes on the Horizon

Since January of this year (2015 for you time travelers), I've been focused solely on my writing. No school. No job. Just words, words, words.

But this routine is about to end. Okay, not end. I'll still be writing like crazy, but I will have slightly less time.

Today I start my job as a part time administrative assistant at a college. I'm excited for the opportunity.

I also hate change.

It's a bit of inner conflict at the moment. But change, as I've so often been reminded, is a part of life--a good part! Even with my writing there will be change. My abilities will improve, I'll think of new characters/stories, and hopefully my unpublished status will change one day too.

In the midst of some transition yourself? Look at is as an adventure. You never know what exciting things wait around the corner.

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