Summer Bucket List item number two officially gets a line through it!
On July 2nd, I pitched my tent, grabbed the junk food, picked up the scary library books, and wrangled my sisters. Then we camped out.
We did the whole shebang: hot dogs roasted over a fire (then marshmallows!), scary stories, even the midnight trip to the bathroom.
Throughout the whole process I relearned a very important lesson: I hate camping.
It's not that I don't love the outdoors or being huddled in a tent while crickets chirp outside and lightning bugs dance. Those things were major pluses of the evening. More like I dislike being cold and having my sleeping bag stolen by an over-snuggly miniature poodle. I also happen to scare easily. So maybe those scary library books weren't in the best taste.
Still. The first item on my bucket list is finished! Since this is the first "adventure" accomplished this summer, I decided to dedicate a blog post to it. Make sure you periodically visit my Summer Bucket List page to keep up with the others!
Summer 2015 is going to be amazing, guys. I can just feel it.
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