With a twist.
Keep in mind, this post is just for fun. Don't ruin it and get offended.
10 Reasons NOT to Date a Writer
2. We get very frustrated when we can't figure out what to write/plot next. Stay away.
3. If you are dumb enough to interrupt us while writing/plotting, be prepared for us to ignore you. Or yell at you. Or throw a book at you. RESPECT THE MUSE! She's very stingy.
4. Expect middle-of-the-night phone calls or texts. Because we've just come up with a pivotal plot idea and need someone to talk to about it.
5. We suffer from bi-polar self-esteem. If you can't come up with encouraging phrases when we're depressed or aren't ready to join our spur-of-the-moment jumping-up-and-down party when we're excited... Step aside.
6. You'll have to read. A lot.
7. And you'll mostly be reading our books for critiquing purposes. Even if you craft your criticism in the best way possible, we still might not talk to you for a few hours. Flowers and food will speed up this process.
8. Speaking of food, we need a steady supply while pounding out a story. Hope you like grocery store runs!
9. On a date, we might be staring at you intently as you speak, but we're not actually listening. We just came up with (and are thinking through) a new novel idea involving spaghetti, meatballs, and murder.
10. When our query letters go out, we will pay our email inbox much more attention than you. Sorry.
It's tough loving a writer. But stay tuned. Up next: 10 Reasons TO Date a Writer. Talk about confusing, huh? ;)
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