Thursday, July 9, 2015

Idea to Pages: The Inspiration & Jewelry

Kicking off a new blog series called Idea to Pages! You get to witness my novel-writing process, first hand! Each post won't be in sequential order, mostly because the process takes some time, and I'll be blogging as I accomplish each task.

Without further to do: The Inspiration & Jewelry.

To be honest, I have no idea where I came up with the idea for my next book. It might have been when I was half-asleep (I get a lot of ideas then, not all good). Or when I was driving to work and listening to music.

Regardless. I got an idea. And the idea came with a title (as they usually so helpfully do): SECOND-HAND SCAVENGERS.

I'd love to tell you guys the ins-and-outs of the soon-to-be book, but I don't want to give any spoilers. Yet.

So, I've been inspired with an idea. What next? The characters shove their way into my brain. At the moment I've got four characters solidified: Dimitri Protea, Elle, Jane Grey Laselle, and Glitch. More will follow. In the mean time, I've made a Pinterest Board to keep all my inspiration in one place as my ideas develop.

Then comes the jewelry! With every book I write, I buy a necklace that represents the story. I wear the necklace throughout the Idea to Pages process. It makes me feel more connected to the book and characters.

Well, I've already bought SECOND-HAND SCAVENGERS necklace--it's beautiful, let me just say! In fact, I'm so excited about this book, I bought myself a ring too.

Though it might seem like the jewelry isn't a huge step in the Idea to Pages process, it is! Buying a necklace is a monetary form of committment. SECOND-HAND SCAVENGERS is going to be written. No. Matter. What.

Up next is Prepping My Muse!

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