Tuesday, February 17, 2015

That's Not Me

"Your main character is so much like you!"


...Say the people who know me personally and read my books. Well, when I started writing "These Wicked Waters" (TWW), I determined that Annie Mayfield would be nothing like me. Annie would be outgoing, athletic, adventurous, and a leap-before-thinking kind of girl. She would also tends to get herself stuck in very embarrassing situations for the sake of comedy. Situations I'll let you read about in the book.

Honestly, Annie and I couldn't be two bigger opposites. I like things planned and organized. I'm also about as athletic as a donut, though I do try to run (sorry, they don't have a gif for that).

I get mixed results.


Then yesterday happened, and I realized I was way more like Annie than I ever thought.

On Mondays, I take my sisters to college so they can be educated. I usually hang out and write until they're finished class. Usually this requires me bringing a lunch. Enter in a yummy rice stir fry. 

Except I forgot my fork.


Fortunately there are YouTube videos instructing users how to make a paper spoon. Unfortunately I suck at origami.

Eating was a serious challenge and done in a super covert way so no one caught me jamming food into my mouth with a crinkled piece of paper. 


I thought this would be the pinnacle of a nasty Monday.

But then I accidentally walked into the men's bathroom. Oh, hey, urinals, you're not supposed to be there!


So, yeah. Apparently I'm way more like Annie than I thought. Unfortunately.

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