Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Slogging Through the Slush

So last week I entered the miry trenches of querying. I was so involved I forgot to do a post last Thursday.


But here I am now! That has to count for something, right?

Here are so updates for you so we can commiserate together. Over the last week I have received the following:

Query Rejections: 18
Full Requests: 2

You know that sound Lucy makes in I Love Lucy where she messes up pretty bad and Ricky finds out? Yeah, cue that.


Not as stellar as I was hoping. In fact, I was pretty annoyed/frustrated/depressed/melancholy over it this weekend. Especially since my novel for NaNo happens to be the sequel to After Alice (my querying manuscript). My family tried to cheer me up, but it didn't really work. I was determined to be pessimistic.


Then I got to talking to this writer on twitter then on NaNo's website. She probbaly doesn't realize how much she boosted my spirits, but shout outs to her website! She's querying too, so we commiserated and she reminded me how cool of an idea After Alice is.

Maybe you're wondering what the point of this post is? Well, let me sum it up for you in one sentence. When braving the querying trenches, have a fellow writer/soldier at your side, it works wonders.

Unfortunately, I'm still going to jump every time my phone vibrates...


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