A week passed and green shoots emerged from the soil. But so did nasty little bugs the size of a pin. I tried a soap and water trick via my mom to get rid of the mites. No such luck. Disappointing.
Saturday evening found me dumping out my plants and refilling the teapot with brand new soil and seeds. So far no bugs. Trust me, I've become OCD with checking.
This planting mishap applies to writing too. I have a first manuscript that I am 110% ashamed of. But through that mishmash of plot and romance, I learned how to write. Writing is a gift that can only be honed by experience. Now I'm querying my third book that I think is fantastic (if only the agents would think so too!). But I bet, two years down the road, I'll look back on AFTER ALICE and cringe.
It's the nature of the beast.
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