Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Let the Querying...Begin!

On Monday I entered a whole new realm of the writing adventure: querying!


After three weeks spent writing/editing my query letter...

After two months (in total) editing my book...

After five months writing my book...

I knew I was ready. After compiling a list of agents on Query Tracker, I set to work. After 62 emails, all my "letters" were sent. Phew!

Since I had off work that day, I pretty much spent the waiting period cleaning and watching Firefly. Oh, the wretched waiting period!


Then I got an email.


And in that email was a full request! Ensue running around the house and screaming.

Of course, this is only the first response and I've got about 61 to go. Eek, I can already feel the pang of soon-to-be rejections. But honestly? I love every moment of it. This is what being a writer is about. Throwing yourself out there and seeing the result.

We'll see if I'm still saying that come Thursday ;)

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