Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Classics Challenge

I'm taking a swerve from the more writerly aspects of this blog and delving into reader-infested waters. That is, I'm starting a public book club. Of sorts. Keep reading, I'll explain.

Outside of high school English class, I've rarely read classics (excluding The Scarlet Pimpernel and Kidnapped). For good reason. I don't enjoy them. Or, didn't.

As a newly turned twenty-three-year-old (yikes!), it's time to expand my horizons by reading some of the greatest works mankind can boast. Or so the "classic" namers claim. We'll see how right they are.

For the next twelve months, starting December 1st, I'm going to be reading one classic each. The beginning will detail some information about the author/authoress while I update you on my progress throughout.
Now back to that bookclub business. Want to join in? Check the list below for the books per month and read them right along with me. Make sure you follow my Twitter and Goodreads page so we can stay connected with our progress.

Look forward to Tuesday, December 1st as I--we--begin THE CLASSICS CHALLENGE (imagine in booming announcer voice)!!!

Classics Month-By-Month


December: Little Women


January: Wuthering Heights

February: Pride & Prejudice

March: The Great Gatsby

April: A Tale of Two Cities 

May: Gone With the Wind

June: Lorna Doone

July: The Lord of the Flies

August: The Time Machine

September: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

October: Jamaica Inn

November: The Scarlet Letter

December: Moby Dick
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