I got another rejection yesterday.
Well, more like yesterday at 5 AM. Why did I voluntarily put my email on my phone again?
The rejection stung particularly more than the others. Why? Because now I only have one submission out, a full request. Of course there are still some odd twenty query letters awaiting responses, but still. The realization that I might not get an offer of representation for "After Alice" was terrifying.
It still is, honestly.
I allowed myself to mope for an hour or two. I googled "way to deal with rejection" and all the sucess stories of writers who were rejected tons of times. I even contemplated the possibility of driving to the store and purchasing Woe-Is-Me Chips (aka Cool Ranch Doritos). Luckily for my waistline, I didn't.
Instead I started writing "Shattered," the sequel to "After Alice" and the book I'm doing for NaNoWriMo. At first the words didn't flow.
And then they did. Oh, yes they did!
Yesterday, in the midst of my despair and self-doubt, I hammered out over 6,000 words in five hours. And by the end of the night, I didn't care what any agents thought about my book. I know it's worth publishing, I've just got to make them realize that too.
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