Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Remember me? I know it's been awhile.

Which is why this post is reserved for updates. Okay, okay. It's really a selfish post where I tell you all the amazing things I'm doing. Fun, right? Don't worry; there are only two updates so it shouldn't take long.

Let's get started.

Update Numero Uno... I finished my book!

Hold on, let me say that again with more textual excitement.
I. FINISHED. MY. BOOK!!!!!!!!!!


The stats came in as follows:

82,428 Words
29 Chapters + an Epilogue
1 Character Death

Now I'm traversing the dangerous pathways of editing. It takes such a different mindset to edit a book than it does to write one. Luckily I've found a few tricks to this perilous journey. They're all on my Writer Resources page. Make sure you check it out. Plus, Thursday I'll be doing a post all about editing and my plan of attacking the monster with my red pen.

 Update Numero Dos... I'm starting a vlog!

For those of you who don't know, a vlog is a blog in video form. Pretty simple. Every Friday, starting September 19th, I'll post a video on here and on my YouTube Channel. (Yeah, I put the hyperlink there so you'll subscribe!) The vlogs will only be 1-2 minutes in length and will focus on pretty much anything, but mostly writing/reading related stuff. I'm pretty excited to branch out to a new platform of social media.


And because I'm so excited, there is totally going to be a contest! So visit often to check out the status on that too.

Hmm. I suppose that was more like three updates.

You didn't mind, right?


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