Tuesday, September 16, 2014


You probably didn't notice, but I was MIA on Thursday (my usual blog post day). Why? I had a little accident with soap and my laptop keyboard.


Major woops.

But I am now typing to you on a brand new laptop. I am also much poorer than I was a few days ago.

Moving on.

When was the last time you went for a run? Lifted some weights? Worked up a sweat?


(So many gifs of guys freaking out. You can probably tell what an impact my computer damage had on me...)

Not only is working out great for your body, it does wonders for the imagination. There's probably a big scientific study behind inspiration and exercise being linked. Something about endorphins and increased blood flow.

All I know is that is works.

And no, pinning exercises on pinterest doesn't count.

Okay, it's not like while I'm running I'm struck with brilliant book ideas or plot solutions. That happens after. Running wakes me up and somehow gives me the focus/creativity I need to write.

So have you been feeling stumped lately? Blocked? Take my advice. Lace up your tennis shoes and get outside. Run, walk, it doesn't matter.

Just get your blood flowing.

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