Tuesday, July 8, 2014

NaNo Nightmares

I've gone camping!

--Figuratively, of course. I'm not one for actual camping. Bugs, behind-that-bush bathrooms, and lack of showers don't have much appeal. For me at least.

This month, I'm cyber roughing it at Camp NaNoWriMo. What is Camp NaNoWriMo, you ask? For those of you too lazy to click the link, it's "An idyllic writers retreat, smack-dab in the middle of your crazy life". You pick your word count and strive to meet it in a month. Camp NaNoWriMo has an awesome cabin system where you're matched with other writers.

My goal for July is to reach 40,000 words, which will finish my current WIP. I've tried to participate in the last three NaNo's: two Camps and one November. I failed each time. Why?

I wasn't dedicated enough!

This time around, I've really gotten involved. I've made use of the cabin chat feature and connected with other writers. I've forced (seriously, forced) myself to at least get 1,000 words written per day. And those cool emails the folks at NaNo send that I used to ignore? Yeah, I actually read those now. I also bought a camp shirt. So a monetary investment and personal guilt trip certainly help matters.

And so far I'm on track, even slightly ahead. Which is an awesome feeling.

Actually, I think I'm a little too obsessed with CampNaNo. In fact, I had a nightmare about it. Apparently this t-rex-like monster would stalk and eventually eat me unless I was able to say a sentence with a certain word count.


Weird and creepy? Definitely.

What is the point of this post other than bragging and letting you act as a dream psychologist?

To show the importance of apply butt-to-chair and fingers-to-keyboard! I procrastinate sooo much when it comes to writing. CampNaNo is a world-wide writing frenzy that forces me to get on the computer to write. So, whether it be a NaNo activity, a friend keeping you accountable, or giving yourself a personal goal. Write!



Like now.

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