I spent July pushing toward a goal of 40,000 words in my current WIP. And did I meet it? You bet! Though I went through some serious ups and downs, illustrated by my handy chart below.
During the 31 days of literary abandon, I went through a plethora of emotions:
Determination. July 1st. 40,000 words. Psh, I could totally do this.
Pride. I'm ahead by 2,000 words. Say whaaat?
Laziness. Yeah, I'm so not writing today. Or... for, you know, four days in a row...
Panic. Needing to catch up ASAP!
Awesomeness. Keeping a steady pace. You know that's right.
And, at the end. Pure and utter accomplishment. I couldn't believe I actually wrote 40,000 words!
So, would I recommend Camp NaNoWriMo (or just NaNoWriMo) to writers? Absolutely! Before July, I'd been struggling for months to get myself to write. Camp NaNo gave me the push I needed. I also got to connect with some really supportive writers.
And, okay, getting this certificate at the end was pretty awesome.
Also celebrating with a round of mini golf was great too.
The next time NaNo comes around, I'd heartily suggest that you hop on the writing wagon. It's an awesome experience. The only thing you'll regret is looking back and not participating.
Congratulations to everyone who entered and persevered!
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