Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's Official

First. Post. Ever!

This is pretty much the most exiting thing to happen to me all week. Not that there's much competition. I do work at an accounting firm. But still. Yay!

                                         tangled - yay photo: Tangled: YAY! (GIF) tumblr_liumvriNYI1qdotct.gif

Actually, it was pretty ridiculous how thrilled I was to even have my own domain name. It's the little things.

To celebrate my first post on my new blog, I'm doing a giveaway! Check out the nifty PunchTab Giveaway box to your right. $20 Amazon gift card. You know you want to enter. The giveaway will be running from today (July 1, 2014, so you don't have to check your calendar. You're welcome.) to Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 3 p.m. EST.

Self-centered, Emily Layne time. Since you wonderful darlings will (hopefully!) be reading my future posts, you should know a bit about me. Or, really, the "About Me" that you can't find stalking social media sites. Don't worry, I've limited myself to five facts.

1. Emily Layne is actually a pen name.

2. I once ate so many cherries that I had an allergic reaction and got hives. We're talking 100+ cherries in less than 24 hours. Clearly I have a problem.

3. Sunscreen is disgusting. I avoid wearing it whenever I can. Summer started two weeks ago, and I've already been majorly burned four times. I know I need to wear it, but... Bleh. When I was a kid I could throw a temper-tantrum and avoid the sticky stuff. But apparently that's not acceptable anymore.

4. On that note, I love the sun. Scratch that. I love being outside. During my lunch break at work, I will sit in my car with the windows down and eat, even if it's 85 degrees outside.

5. Though I love the traditional flowers: roses, lilies, orchids, my favorite is a weed, typically known as a flowering clover. They smell like summer and can be tied into pretty awesome jewelry.

...Annnnd finished! Not so bad, was it? Now you know how weird quirky I am. But don't let that stop you from entering the giveaway. Or from reading my future posts. This blog will focus on the Journey of Infinite Perils, otherwise known as writing. You'll join my adventure as I finish my current WIP (work in progress), tackle that nasty query letter, and hopefully snag the representation of a fantastic agent.

So, what are you waiting for? Come on! The Journey of Infinite Perils (JIP) awaits!

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