Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Struggles of SciFi

For the last few weeks I've been world-building my new scifi trilogy. It's been a challenge to say the least. 

SECOND-HAND SCAVENGERS was somewhat scifi since it took place in the future (year 2965 to be exact). Except SHS wasn't set in space. My new trilogy is. A whole new galaxy.

This involves planning and imagining that I've never done before. Not only do I have to brainstorm a future society, but I have to determine planets--multiple worlds! This is a problem for someone whose only experience with space was in elementary school.

The real embarrassing moment was when I mistakenly called the sun a "planet" when talking to my sister. Woops.

Luckily, the library exists. And scifi movies. I can check "The Martian," "Interstellar," and "Star Trek Beyond" off my list (though my trilogy isn't going to have aliens!).

I'm slowly making progress, now adding a few craft books to my list of things to read. I plan to take my time because world-building is a foundation and vital for a good story. 

Though procrastination is a forever struggle...

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