To everyone in the USA (and those elsewhere who are celebrating)...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Whether you're spending time with family members, friends, or going solo, I hope you're enjoying delicious food and counting the blessings we Americans take advantage of every day.
I wish all of you a safe, yummy, and warm holiday.
"Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods."
Well, as complete as the first draft of a novel can get. Trust me when I say that this book will need a lot of work. But not this week! This week I'm taking off writing as a sort of Thanksgiving break.
Editing picks up again on November 30th (that's a Monday).
Final thoughts about NaNoWriMo?
Oh, and yay. Because I now have my seventh book completed. It's such an amazing and rewarding feeling.
Okay, okay, I know I should probably be more chatty about how NaNo's been for me this time around and my feelings about it... But I'm kind of talked out. If you want to know the ins and outs (day by day, nonetheless!), click here.
Finished NaNoWriMo too? Not sure of what to do next?
First on the list should be a delicious Thanksgiving meal and well-deserved rest. Second (after said rest) will be lots of editing. Third, if you're feeling particularly crazy Camp NaNoWriMo picks up in April...
I'll just leave that tidbit of information with you. I'm not feeling particularly crazy at the moment.
1. I'm not in high school. I'm not even in college. I'm as adult as it gets (without a husband, mortgage, or baby).
2. Sometimes I want to yell at characters for acting so immature. Then I realize they're 16. I'm 23. Ohhhh...
3. Getting close to the end of a book, while worse thing upon worse thing happens, sends me fleeing to Goodreads, hoping for a spoiler.
4. Oh, you're a three book series? Let me wait to read until all of you come out so I don't have to deal with cliff hangers.
5. This book is really popular. Seriously. Like everyone loves it... I vow to never read it.
6. Then, unable to resist, I pick up the book.
7. And am annoyed that it's totally good.
8. So obviously I have to pick it apart with criticism in private to make myself feel better.
9. Audiobooks and showers are a greater duo than macaroni and cheese.
10. Printed books will forever outrank eBooks. Sorry, trees.
11. When I attempt to read eBooks I feel like I'm doing beta critiques. Refer to Number 10.
12. Books and chips are the best things in life, especially when they're combined.
13. If things get too intense, I skim the last few pages to check for a character's name. Oh, good. You didn't die after all!
14. Some ridiculous names exist in YA books. I once tried to replicate this trend (as a kid) and named my MC Suave. Yes, after the hair product company. *cringe*
15. I've picked up so many books just for the cover. And usually end up very disappointed. Curse, you pretty girl in a pretty dress with a pretty background!
16. Stories that don't have some hint of romance aren't my cup of tea.
17. Books without a female lead tend to get overlooked by me. Except for a rare few. Yes, I waited years to read Harry Potter because it was about a boy.
Ahem. By "pantsless" I mean skirts and dresses. Not, well, you know...
Because of church and work I have a huge collection of dresses and skirts in my closet. Coincidentally more for summer than fall/winter. But I digress.
In this video I discussed ways to get inside the mind of your main character. Well, today I'm doing some more of the same. Except in an extreme way.
Guys, wearing a dress/skirt every day takes some serious logistical planning. Way more than is involved with pants. Not only do I need to have a matching shirt and bottom, but there are tights and shoes to think about. Everything must tie together!
To be honest, it's been a lot of fun. It's opened up my outfit creativity in ways wearing jeans hasn't. I don't even miss wearing pants. I've actually kind of fallen in love with leggings. I need to get more in my closet (and the tops that go with them). But that's another story...
If you're wondering if this style change has helped me understand Jane (my MC) any better, the answer would be a resounding YES.
Not only do I know how to write her movements (there are just some things you can't do in dresses), but there's a greater feeling of femininity sans pants. Jane's voice is able to fly from my fingers, loud and clear.
But the skirts/dresses isn't where it ends. I've donned my glasses too (Jane wears glasses, fyi). At times I feel like it makes me look more artsy and smart. Other times I swear it enhances the size of my nose... The sacrifices I make for writing.
It's so much fun guys. If you're participating in NaNoWriMo, or just writing in general, I highly recommend getting into character in whatever ways you can. Sometimes, it's fun to slip into another personality.
I'm taking a swerve from the more writerly aspects of this blog and delving into reader-infested waters. That is, I'm starting a public book club. Of sorts. Keep reading, I'll explain.
Outside of high school English class, I've rarely read classics (excluding The Scarlet Pimpernel and Kidnapped). For good reason. I don't enjoy them. Or, didn't.
As a newly turned twenty-three-year-old (yikes!), it's time to expand my horizons by reading some of the greatest works mankind can boast. Or so the "classic" namers claim. We'll see how right they are.
For the next twelve months, starting December 1st, I'm going to be reading one classic each. The beginning will detail some information about the author/authoress while I update you on my progress throughout.
Now back to that bookclub business. Want to join in? Check the list below for the books per month and read them right along with me. Make sure you follow my Twitter and Goodreads page so we can stay connected with our progress.
Look forward to Tuesday, December 1st as I--we--beginTHE CLASSICS CHALLENGE (imagine in booming announcer voice)!!!
The title says it all. And, no, I don't mean a blank in a gun. Though I am missing something vital.
Like a topic for this post.
I know! This hasn't happened in a long time. The I don't know what to write syndrome. I blame NaNoWriMo. And my (processed) sugar-free diet. It's really done a number on my thinking capabilities. All you have to do is check out my NaNo vids at the end of each day. I'm pretty sure I look more and more ragged as the days go on.
I'm tiiiired. Critics might say: why are you tired? You just sit at a desk all day typing. It's not like you even do any real work.
Oh, boy are you critics wrong.
We writers aren't just typing. We're battling foes, traveling through time, suffering a life-shattering heartbreak. Do endure all these things in less than 24 hours?
Let me say this again: I'm tiiiired!
I don't think I've ever been this wiped out when writing a manuscript before. But then I suppose with THESE WICKED WATERS and WISHES, MAYBE, I wasn't employed...
Sorry to have such a pointless post for you guys. We all have those days you know? Where you just feel...
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final part to my Idea to Pages blog series. It's bittersweet, but also very exciting.
From July through November, you loyalists have followed me through the process of going from getting an idea to developing a story.
And now?
Now I'm writing that story.
In fact, I plan to have said story finished by the end of November. Different writers have different ways of getting their story written. As I've learned and grown in my craft, I've learned that the more writing done in less time, the better. Which is why my last two books have been finished in one month. The same will happen with SECOND-HAND SCAVENGERS (I hope!).
Furthermore, if you too are intigued by the idea of getting a novel written in a month (or two weeks!) and want to know how... Well, just take a look up at the beginning of this post and follow the five steps above.
Thanks for joining me on the ride. I haven't quite decided, but later on I might just unearth this post from retirement by adding a Step Six.