Thursday, July 10, 2014

Not Just A Hobby

Okay, everyone. Raise your hand if you're a full time writer.


Uh, huh. Yeah. Riiight. Put that hand down.

 Chances are, you have to squeeze in time to write. At the end of the day. When you're dead tired, and you'd much rather be sleeping. Yet you write. Why? Because you love it. The way you somehow pull together those perfect words, that clever dialog, that spine-tingling romantic scene... It's like magic.

Very few writers are able to classify writing as their full time job. Half the time it's not even a part time job. More likely it's a "Oh, I have a free hour. Better write!".

Which so totally and completely stinks. Especially since it leads to the idea that writing is just a hobby, something you do for fun on the weekends.

Hello, no! Writing is serious business. It consumes your life. There is no such thing as vacation or "taking a break". It's like walking around with your boss handcuffed to your wrist for the rest of your life.

But a boss that happens to be your best friend who you love more than anything. It's the perfect job. Unfortunately, it's not always do-able. Something called bills and little green rectangles called money get in the way. We can't all be J.K. Rowling or Suzanne Collins.

At least... not yet. They started out unpublished, unknown. Just. Like. Us.

So, if I could have one ultimate career wish? I don't want to be a CEO, a multi-million dollar shareholder. No. If I could?

I'd wish to be a full time writer.

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